Professional Experience
Washington Mutual - Seattle, WA December 2003 - Present
Senior Lead Developer and Analyst
Project: Platform Tools Web
Washington Mutual is a primary financial institution that develops software products for various banking needs. Involved in design, develop and deploy of Platform Tools Web Application where a developer can build and deploy their products remotely into different servers using .NET and ADS.
Design and develop UI, Business, DataAccess, VSS, InterOp, Controller, ADS and Database layers of PTW Application in .NET.
Create components for typed DataSets,dynamic DataGrids, Microsoft Web controls of Tree, Tab, Multi page and, Tool bar with Xml, Xsl and Xsd. Also create C# assemblies for custom/vaidation controls etc. to work with ASP.NET, JavaScript and SQL Server for Home, Build, Deploy, QA and Release pages
Develop dynamic DataGrids with template custom controls for online polling of the build and deploy processes.
Facilitate the req