Now I will Best design an email newsletter or email campaign that will fit in with your existing corporate branding. As a graphic designer I believe it is important to make your campaign visually appealing as well as it working across all various email platforms. I have also a most experience in creating HTML5emails that do both. I have a lot of success in creating successful mail-chimp email campaigns. If you are looking for a template that you can edit and use again, I can create this for you too in whatever platform you are using. I will work closely with you throughout, to ensure that you are happy with your campaign. For any more information please get in touch or have a look at my PPH portfolio for more examples of my latest work. The HTML Template will be tested on GMail, Yahoo Mail Hotmail and Microsoft Outlook as well. You will also be able to request for minor revisions if required. More Includes: 1. Responsive Design (Desktop, Tablet & Mobile). 2. Works on top 10 email clients (Litmus Tested). 3. Content, Images, Social Icons & Links Added. 4. Video added ( if required ) 5. Retina Display Images. 6. Fully Customizable via the MailChimp Editor 7. Easy to access all sections 8. Hide & Repeat Elements. 9. Full Documentation provided.