Weblogic 11g Production and sublive support.
1. Provide Weblogic support (New Configuration, Tuning for JVM, JDBC, JMS)
2. Weblogic , JDK and Jrockit patching.
3. Coordinate with vendor (Oracle on SR).
Ability to design, build and implement end-to-end docker container
management solution with Kubernetes.
==> Docker
1. Setup Docker on Linux CentOS7/ubuntu16/18/20 .
2. Design Container based solution and implementation.
3. Implementations of CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins with docker hub registry and git repo.
4. Troubleshooting and support project on day to day work.
==> Kubernetes
5. Setup Kubernetes on CentOS7/ubuntu16/18/20 with single master 2 worker
6. implementations of CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins with docker hub registry and github repo.
1. Design Containerize solution and implementation on AWS ECS and EKS.
2. CI/CD pipeline has been implemented using CodePipeline with integration of Code9, CodeCommit, CodeBuild, ECR and EKS.
3. Support the project on day to day issues.
Key Technical Skill :
AWS cloud, Docker, K8s, DevOps, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, JBoss, Application servers with clustered environment. Web servers (Apache, SunOne, IIS, IBM HIS, Nginx), Jenkins, Puppet , Ansible, Chef, Open source messaging server (Qmail, sendmail, Postfix). HA Clusters (RCS, VCS), HPC (Torque, Lsf), Ldap (Open Ldap, RHDS, SunDS, Novell eDirectory), Terraform, AWS-CLI
Cloud: -
Redhat OpenStack, AWS
DevOps / Automation -
Apache customized compilation and configuration based on the requirement.
apache haproxy instigation for load balancing the web site.
Docker (build custom docker image and launch on AWS EC2 instance),
Idea about Swarm feature.
nginx configuration to reduce the load of static contents from the web server.
Jenkins installed and Setup for Development team to use code
automation (checkout, build, test and deploy) for sublive env.
amendment on ANT script to build new app modules.
Managing SVN version control systems and troubleshooting if the dev team faced
any issue for code checkout or checkin.
Using terraform created and managed AWS infra.
OS Administration :-
Linux,, Sun Solaris9,10,
Scripting :-
Python, Bash, Perl, Ant, ansible
Network :-
F5 load Balancer’s with view access.
Monitoring Tools :-
HP Sitescop, OpenView, Big brother, Negios, Nessus, prometheus influxdb for Grafana.