15+ years of experience in IT industry. Working on projects related to DevOps in areas of AWS, Azure, OpenStack Cloud. Experience with configuration automation tools like SaltStack, Ansible, Chef & Puppet and monitoring tools like Sensu and Nagios. Datacenter automation using MAAS. For one of the clients, helped setup their datacenter using MAAS and then implemented OpenStack, Docker, MapR Hadoop, Aerospike, Kafka and Zookeeper clusters. Automated all these services deployment through SaltStack. Configured internal Docker registry for storing images locally. Configured bridge networking for Docker containers across multiple host machines and for few services wrote DockerFiles as well. Worked on a project managing AWS infrastructure, monitoring it using Sensu. Implemented SSO using simpleAD. Automation using Ansible. Managing nodeJS and ruby applications with PostgreSQL db. Experience with different AWS services like EC2, S3, IAM, ELB, EBS, Cognito, etc. For another client in Azure, implemented ELK stack for log aggregation, managing redis and RabbitMQ message bus. Tested RabbitMQ clustering. They have tomcat-based application with MariaDB and MongoDB as the backend. Administration of Apache and MapR Hadoop clusters managing different services like Spark, Spark Streaming, Drill, HBase, Hive, Pig.