Hello! My name is Katerina and I am here because I extremely love designing! This is not something that happened now that I am 26 years old, but started since I was at kindergarten where my painting & all my designings were great and I was always accepting congratulations and prizes during all the period I was at school! At this moment I am working as a marketing assistant in a consulting company in Greece. In my current position, I manage my company's social media presence (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter) since January. The 85% of the posts are designed by me. We are posting quotes for Monday and Friday. I had the idea of making a more inspirational and less business oriented quote for Friday. I also make infographics from various articles and white papers. And we try to promote articles by visualizing the content in one image. I am highly knowledgeable about content creation and maintaining interest on various social media platforms. Part of my job is producing new content to keep social media pages fresh. Besides that, I am doing Facebook and Linkedin ads as well as Google ads to promote the workshops. I have a solid understanding of how to effectively communicate ideas to people. I am also making the campaigns for e-mail marketing, with MailChimp, which are sent to our clients and potential clients every week. In this way, we announce some events- workshops we are planning, services and of course our monthly newsletter, which creation was my idea.I am also managing our website's content using WordPress. In addition, I design the brochures for the company, such as the company’s brochure, some specific services etc. I am highly creative and I understand the importance of individualizing. One day I had the idea to create my own Facebook page with a theme that didn't exist. This is to have all the world, international, national, commemorative days and Holidays in just one page with an everyday briefing. All the posts are designed by me! I made this page to raise people’s awareness. I have a strong work ethic and I can bring value to any project. Please do not hesitate to ask me further or if you want to see some e-mail campaigns, facebook ads etc I have done!