Our mission is to ensure and define your brand's destination and provide the appropriate tools to get you there. We take where you want to go and provide the map to get there while suggesting short cuts and advisement along the way. Our strategy services also include auditing your presence, in-depth education, and campaign development. Persona Building We leverage keyword research strategies, conversation monitoring, and interview processes to pinpoint to whom you are selling. This is the essential first step for any marketing strategy. We can help you build your buyer persona – or an outline of your ideal customer using data gathered from prospects, customers, and individuals in your target audience. The journey is your customer’s path to buying your product or service in their perspective. We help you identify what their feelings are, what research methods they are using to find a solution, and how they will discover you. We can build a journey map that outlines your customer’s experience. Customer engagement is not merely a series of interactions to get someone to subscribe to your content, visit your web site, or download something. It’s about creating an experience for the individual and building a relationship. A buying funnel will help identify the primary channels and types of content necessary for each stage of your customers' journey. These stages will be important when you are organizing your campaign. It will also be of help to identify the “type” of individual they are when they are in that stage. Are they an acquaintance to the brand? Are they a lead to be interacted with by sales? Or, do they need some more nurturing before they progress? We help you define this. Lead nurturing outlines the buying process from your perspective. It will outline the points of interaction with your potential customer in each stage of your purchase path and the time the interaction occurs. We help outline the type of content necessary to reach your customer, draw them in, interact with you, and be loyal to your brand. We use a variety of methods to build a successful inbound marketing campaign, ranging from email marketing to search engine marketing.