I will create a Discord bot for whatever you wish to use it for. Please contact me before you order. After I am complete the source code is yours. All I ask is that you keep my signature on it.
I will work closely with you on the creation of your bot through Discord DMs.
A shortlist of commands that I can add*:
- Welcome messages
- Basic chat commands (Hello, uptime, botinfo, help command, etc)
- Moderation Commands (Kick, Ban, Purge/Prune)
- Fun commands (Rock,Paper,Scissors; Coinflip, etc)
- Fun API commands (Like seeing random facts about cats, or seeing the location of a mars rover etc)
- I can do many more commands than this however be sure to ask me during the planning phase of your bot and I'll let you know if I can do it or not. (In which you can either find another person to do it or we can find a workaround)