- Nowadays, 42% of patients prefers appointments to be scheduled online.
No need to call the front office to book appointments. Patients in this digital age prefer to have their appointments scheduled online. Moreover, they can book them 24/7.
- Allow Doctors to manage their own schedules
Doctors can manage their upcoming appointments through the mobile apps and update their own schedules. They can block the slots themselves and the online calendars are automatically updated.
This online medical booking website was built on top of the above two key principals and I implemented the client's business idea to real, productive medical booking website.
- Technologies used in this project
For frontend, I used React, Typescript, Bootstrap, Redux, Jest, React testing library
For backend & database, I used Python, Django, DRF, Celery, PostgreSQL, Redis, Gunicorn, Pytest
For devops, Github Actions, Docker, AWS EC2, ECR, ECS
I guarantee speed and quality about the projects related to React, Django.
Best regards.