Most companies have a monthly marketing budget. Do you know how much of that budget is actually generating customers to your business? Let me show you how you can see,track,and grow your customer base. As your social media manager, I will become the front line of customer service and will pick up communications from existing or potential customers and feed them to the appropriate person. I will also explain the interconnections between the various social media platforms and which ones you would benefit from. I will Create a routine and schedule for postings, based on peak and strategic marketing times. If you already have a system, I'm happy to Help streamline existing routines. As your Social Media manager, I can also keep an eye out for any potentially damaging or incorrect information that is being posted by others. You can tell customers about the features of a product or service without obviously selling it. Every post you make should be thought out carefully on how it will build your brand and increase interactions -- and keep your friends wanting to see more from you. I can help with that! I use the "Active Approach" as well as the "Passive Approach" as needed,guaranteed to cover all bases!