Awarning has been issued to drivers about wearing winter clothing behind the wheel. Wearing common items like coats, gloves, and scarves while driving could land them with a £5,000 fine.
Anyone wearing such items must ensure it does not impact their driving. Drivers must have "footwear and clothing which does not prevent you using the controls in the correct manner", according to Rule 97 of the Highway Code.
Motoring experts have warned that wearing gloves could hamper motorists as they grip the wheel so it's important to be mindful of what you wear behind the wheel. Similarly, drivers should ensure coats, hats, and scarves don't restrict their visibility, Birmingham Live reports.
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Michael Bourne, group marketing director at National Tyres and Autocare said: "Driving in outfits that impact your driving ability could cause an accident. Any piece of clothing that impairs your vision or prevents you from using the car's controls, could lead to a £5,000 fine and potentially three points on your licence."
According to the Road Traffic Act, anything that obstructs the vision of a driver in any way is considered a hazard and, if caught, there is a £100 fine. This fine can rocket up to £1,000, and lead to three penalty points if the case is challenged in court and the driver loses.
And there are also things to be mindful of when it comes to your insurance policy.