All Services Writing & Translation E-Books $15/hr · Starting at $200 I am a self-published author who can help you write your book, and help you format it for ebook publication. If its already finished, but needs polishing I can edit it for content, spelling, grammar, plot structure, dialogue, punctuation and sentence structure. If you have a great idea for a book, I can write it for you and will work within your word/page count and budget. I will also give you daily email updates on the project. Have deadlines? Not a problem. I'll deliver your project before or on the set deadline. In addition, all my work will be original without any plagiarism. About $15/hr · Ongoing Download Resume I am a self-published author who can help you write your book, and help you format it for ebook publication. If its already finished, but needs polishing I can edit it for content, spelling, grammar, plot structure, dialogue, punctuation and sentence structure. If you have a great idea for a book, I can write it for you and will work within your word/page count and budget. I will also give you daily email updates on the project. Have deadlines? Not a problem. I'll deliver your project before or on the set deadline. In addition, all my work will be original without any plagiarism. Skills & Expertise Book WritingContent WritingDialogue Writinge-BooksEmail ServicesEnglish GrammarEnglish PunctuationEnglish SpellingErotic WritingFiction WritingFormattingIdeationLayout DesignMicrosoft WordPublication ProductionPublishingWriting Related Work Collections A. Katie Rose Titles A. Katie Rose Titles 1 Reviews A.Z. Publishing House says, Very professional freelancer. On time and easy to work with. for 5K Test on Mar 15, 2018 Browse Similar Freelance Experts Freelance WritersEditorsBook WritersMicrosoft Word ExpertsFiction WritersProofreadersBook EditorsErotica WritersEnglish Spelling ExpertsCharacter DesignersContent WritersEnglish Grammar ExpertsCreative WritersIdeation ManagersGhostwritersEnglish Punctuation ExpertsPublication Production ExpertsRomance WritersBlog Writing ServicesPublishersLayout DesignersEbook WritersResearchers