1. Listing/Matching/Merging (Availability comparing on Ecommerce Websites)…Our team members are experts in these areas and each can achieve matching/listing up to 500-600 products on a daily basis. We Match on Amazon Channels .com (USA), .Ca (Canada) and .UK (United Kingdom) 2. Cataloging: 3. Order Fulfilment: 4. Sales Channels: eBay 5. Supplier Management 6. Potential Pricing Error, Supplier Code Conflict, Duplicate ASINs 7. Inbound/Outbound Customer Care, Service/Help Desk, Email/Chat support to inbound customer emails 8. Tracking: Liaison with logistics, warehouses and communicate directly with customers on delivery updates, refunds, cancellations, re-shipments, discounts. We use multi-channel ecommerce software EVP (Etail Vantage Platform) developed by Etail Solutions, for our major listing and matching work, we also do the matching work on eBay. Besides EVP, we also work on other platforms, namely, Newegg, Magento, Rakuten, Shopify. We also develop Amazon Affiliate WooCommerce Store websites, and other IT Enabled Services (ITES) that you can think of. We have dedicated experts from relevant fields working on a few projects right now.