Our e-commerce Data Entry Services:
1. e-commerce Product Data Entry : Our product data entry experts can help you keep your e-commerce site updated with the latest product descriptions, by adding new products and product categories, pricing, availability information, etc. We consider our product data entry turnaround time to be one of the best in the industry, and our expertise in SEO ensures all the changes are immediately picked up by the search engines.
2. e-commerce Catalog Conversion: As a part of our catalog conversion services, we add targeted and highly-specific product-related information to your site to attract both repeat and new visitors. We can also index and update descriptive product information, while ensuring your customers can glance through the information provided and make up their mind about the product.
3. e-commerce Product Data Mining: Correct pricing is extremely important in order to run a successful e-commerce business since most customers are liable to shop around and choose the best available price. Our data mining services obtain relevant and up-to-date product pricing and other details from different sources, including competitor websites, supplier websites, etc. We can also mine for product images and descriptions from the PDF files, online sources, e-books, brochures, spreadsheets, catalogs, etc.
5. e-commerce Image Support : High-quality images and graphics are extremely important in order to grab customer attention and help them finalize their purchase decision. As part of our bespoke e-commerce data entry services, we can help you with the following - Image resizing | Image watermarking | Image tagging | Creating thumbnails | Image clipping | Image cropping | Background changing | Image enhancement.
Increasing sell and client satisfaction is our main goal :)