Expert in website and mobile based application troubleshooting and development, earned a mix of experience from many Magento, OpenCart, Codeigniter, WordPress, Android and iOS projects including eCommerce apps, business apps, real estate apps, accounting apps and etc. I like to be creative to keep things simple to handle complicated projects.
I have developed a wide range of websites and applications using HTML, DHTML, PHP, JAVA, CSS3, Prototype, JQuery, MySql, Magento, OpenCart and WordPress. My core competency is to understand the business requirements and develop a feasible solution around problem technically.
I will be glad to branch out your ideas and help you out of all business needs of the website and mobile application.
If you are looking for:
- Magento, OpenCart and WordPress Optimization and Customization.
- Developing UI/UX and backend Magento ( PHP, HTML, CSS, JAVAScript, AJAX, etc)
- APIs (Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram, LinkedIn)
- DBMS - MySQL, SQL Server.
- Core PHP.
- Website optimization.
Mobile Based Skill Summary:
- iOS 10/ 9 / 8 / 7, Android
- Objective-C, Swift, Java
- PhoneGap & Apache Cordova and Ionic framework
- RESTful API, Amazon Web Service & Amazon S3, GAE, XML, JSON, RSS, SOAP
- Social Network: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+
- Map: Google maps, Apple maps, core location, GPS tracking
- Source Control: Github, Bitbucket, JIRA, WunderList
- Database: core database, SQLite
- Push Notification: GCM, FCM
- Third party library integration.
- IDE: XCode, Eclipse, Android Studio, phpStorm.