What you deliver with this Services: Welcome! Do you wish to get an appropriate analysis and correct answer for your business and economic questions with MATLAB data analysis tools? Here is the right place for you, as you get either a comprehensive hypothesis testing approach (e.g. Wald test, Likelihood-ratio test, Lagrange multiplier test, Goldfeld–Quandt test, Breusch–Pagan test, Park-Glejser test, White test, Durbin - Watson test, Dickey–Fuller test, and Augmented Dickey–Fuller test.) or the Flawless translation of your data into models (e.g. OLS, GLS, AR, MA, ARMA, ARIMA, and VAR) in order to make the accurate forecasts, and of course to support your robust decision making. What do you need from the Buyer to get started? From your side, you need to provide: • Specified data set • Clear descriptions of variables and hypothesis/objectives • Availability for any further information