Fixing glitches and errors are my specialty! I'll transform your Word document into a perfectly edited and formatted book ready to be published. Work guaranteed. Try me ... you'll love my work.
When I proofread/edit in Microsoft Word I do the following:
1) Check spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, repeat words, verb tense, subject/verb agreement, fluency, flow, and context.
2) Improve word choice, transitions, and fluency if needed.
3) Ensure consistency of terminology, numbers, abbreviations, names, and styles.
4) Pay attention to syntax, semantics, idiomatic expressions, and continuity of material, making sure the flow is good and that the written material is well integrated and presented without omissions (leaving questions in the reader’s mind) or contradictions.
5) Check sentence structure for clarity and readability.
6) Use the Gregg Reference Manual and/or The Chicago Manual of Style as the rationale for editing rules.
7) Check for any issues regarding permission.
8) Query you with text suggestions and improvements if needed.
9) When I work with an author I don’t just “fix” things, I explain why some changes are made, and if there are choices, I let the author know what they are so he/she can decide. If there is indecision, if the author so desires, I make the choice for him/her.
10) THREE READINGS: I give each document I work on three readings unless otherwise requested (see #11 below):
THE FIRST READING: I go through the document and make most of the needed changes ... usually this is about 90% of the changes.
THE SECOND READING: I run the document through Word’s spelling and grammar check and two other grammar-check softwares. If there is a conflict between what Word or the other softwares show as an error and what I did, I check (if needed) and edit according to The Greg Reference Manual, or Chicago Manual of Style, whichever is closest to the author’s writing style. Each manual’s style is correct, but with differences, so I always use the one that most preserves the author’s style.
THE THIRD READING: I read through again as a final read (in Word’s Final option) to make sure everything is the way it should be. Usually very few edits are needed during the third reading.
NOTE: Major portions (chapters or sections) that might need rewriting are not automatically rewritten. Instead, you will be advised that this needs to be done and why, giving you the option of leaving things as they are, doing the rewriting yourself, or having me do it for you at an additional cost.
11) ONE READING: If you want only one reading, the reading includes proofreading, spelling, grammar, punctuation, verb tense, correct pronoun usage, and singular/plural subject/verb agreement). Rewriting and final document honing is not included (I clue you if something needs to be rewritten). With one reading you still get a good job, and many errors are found and corrected.