With three years of experience in proofreading, I specialize in meticulously reviewing both fiction and nonfiction content. My services encompass identifying and rectifying errors and inconsistencies, enhancing sentence structure and syntax for improved clarity and flow, proposing minor adjustments in word choice, and addressing issues related to grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, capitalization, hyphenation, etc. I also focus on maintaining consistency in time, place, names, and logical coherence throughout the text. With three years of experience in proofreading, I specialize in meticulously reviewing both fiction and nonfiction content. My services encompass identifying and rectifying errors and inconsistencies, enhancing sentence structure and syntax for improved clarity and flow, proposing minor adjustments in word choice, and addressing issues related to grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, capitalization, hyphenation, etc. I also focus on maintaining consistency in time, place, names, and logical coherence throughout the text. With more than six years of experience in proofreading, I specialize in meticulously reviewing both fiction and nonfiction content. My services encompass identifying and rectifying errors and inconsistencies, enhancing sentence structure and syntax for improved clarity and flow, proposing minor adjustments in word choice, and addressing issues related to grammar, spelling, punctuation, usage, capitalization, hyphenation, etc. I also focus on maintaining consistency in time, place, names, and logical coherence throughout the text.