WRITER OF ARTICLES, SCRIPTS, COMMERCIAL COPY, WEB COPY - ENGLISH & SPANISHTogether we can develop compelling stories for your outreach materials, write a memorable script for your videos, or turn your jargon-laden presentation into something relatable and easily understood.--------------------FREELANCE COPY EDITOR - MULTIPLE PLATFORMSI’m the former editor of the Not For Tourists Guide Greenpoint edition (2011 print & online versions). I created the summary for the neighborhood and edited the entries that detail the neighborhood’s points of interest, bars & restaurants, and shops. But I’ve also edited documents, social media apps, menus, speeches, and resumes. My attention to detail is paramount, no matter the size of the project.----------------------FREELANCE TRANSLATOR & TEACHER - ENGLISH TO SPANISH AND BACKI’m a native Spanish speaker and former teacher who has worked with students of all ages, nationalities, and skill levels. I’ve trans