exceptional communication skills, office manners, fast reader and writer, hard worker I work at an insurance and financial agency as an agency office assistant, though I am studying for my sub-agent's license. Everything I have ever had in life, I've had to work for and earn myself. I am a strong-willed and purpose-driven person. My fiance and I have just recently gotten our own place in a cute country-side area. We are just starting out and I am looking to make some extra money on the side. I currently do editing for my boss, along with a lot of other job descriptions. This can range from personal letters to policy changing. Every character and word counts. If one of these elements are off, it can throw the whole process/change and cause for redistributing of the corrections in a very quick and accurate fashion. These are legal documents that cannot be played with!As you can see, if you need something written, corrected, or revised, the right way the first time, I'm your girl!I W