Expert Resource person, 20+ years of experience in the education sector with renowned brands. Offering the following freelance services:
- Training & Workshop - Training in Pedagogy, soft skills, school management, NEP2020, ECCE,
- Writing - New content for digitization (storyboard), lesson plan & teaching-learning activities, projects & assignments, school program & CSR Projects, Instructional Design, Assessment Design for school, etc.
- Content Development, Writing & translation - Any topic in English, Hindi, Assamese
- Qualitative Audit & Evaluation of school organization - question paper & tool creation, Research & Impact Reports.
- Event Management for School Admission, Student Engagement, Parent Engagement, Community Engagement, Parenting
- Remedial Programmes for Learning Recovery, Result Enhancement
- Spoken English Content Development, Coaching
- Life Skills & Twenty-first Century Skills, Value & Attitude development
- Script for masters of ceremony, etc.