I provide success coaching and educational and vocational coaching services specifically for those with ADHD and/or learning disabilities. Let me help you tap into your individual potential and develop strategies to optimize your educational and career success! I have multiple packages available and all services begin with a FREE 1 hour consultation!
By the hour - Best for clients seeking targeted guidance and assistance on specific issues
By bundle - Best for clients seeking well-rounded and thorough support within a specific area
Includes support for college list-building, review and feedback of up to 5 admission essays, and review of supports and resources available for up to 5 colleges/universities.
Includes client history-taking and review of current strategies, strengths, and weaknesses, development of a personalized academic strategies plan, and a 1-hour follow-up within the first 6 months.
- Navigating Accommodation Processes in College - $2500
Includes history taking and review of client’s disability and potential applicable accommodations and assistance and support for up to 5 colleges/universities on navigating their paperwork and processes. Option for Dr. Tierney to be in attendance as an expert advocate for clients’ meetings with Disability Resources/Accessibility staff. Additional hourly and travel compensation required.
Job Search Support/Vocational Accommodations - $1325
Includes client history-taking and review of current vocational supports (or need for supports), discussion of accommodation processes in the workforce, 1 hour resume review, and review of up to 3 job applications or cover letters.
Executive Functioning Skills Support Plan - $1200
Includes client history-taking and review of current strengths and areas of weakness, development of a personalized plan to support executive functioning skill development in and outside of the academic or vocational setting, and a 1-hour follow-up within the first 6 months.