I develop and teach educational game playing modules using enhanced role-play techniques, I developed a historical roleplay module entitled Embers of Intrigue: A Prelude to the 1741 New York Slave Conspiracy. I piloted the module in 2013 to a group of K-12 educators working through the New Rochelle School District Staff Resource Center. It was further Developed in 2015 and played numerous times in my colonial history classes. I introduced a similar game-play module In Defense of Genocide: The Columbian Exchange. to the incoming freshman class in 2013—a diverse population of over 100 students. In Defense of Genocide begins with the premise that the 3-15 million Taino were victims of genocide. The question students confront is what faction was responsible for the slaughter (even the Taino themselves!) Moreover, I built upon a pre-existing module called “Debate: Should the U.S. Annex the Philippines” which I renamed Crucible of Empire which I significantly altered with by adding a host of new primary documents and historical characters and changing or complicating the rules of play.