I need to create a website where teachers & stuents can login. I need to create a website where Teachers can login and populate a datatabse of Questions (&Answers). Questions & Answers can also be in the format of multiple choice. Questions should be catorgorized by Subject(s)/ Topic(s)//Subtopic(s) the interface should fecilitate teachers to be able to type-in special charecters/forumals such as square root etc.(http://matplotlib.org) each question should be able to have placeholder to add Teachers Notes (solution to the problem or Additional explanation and reference), Teachers should be able to quickly select bunch of questions out of the database and create a test for their students. Students can login and pick specific Subject(s),Topic(s) or Subtopic(s) create a timed/or un-timed test to access their knowledge in that area. Students should be able to log their test results (test scores, time, what topics that covered the test). Test result should also tell students how many questions were of what Subject>Topic>subtopic and how many were answered An example would be Algebra(20/30) - Functions(10/12) Boolean Algebra(5/18) Students should be able to mark the questions for revising it/ reading that specific topic afterwards. While students take the test there should be an indicator to show progress of their test. Something like progress bar indicating progress. The website should also have administrator account(s) to be able to manage Teachers accounts and Students accounts. Administrators should be able to see some kind of report on how many users logged in and how many questions that were entered in the database by topic. They should also be able to update the questions/answers. ----------------------- I want the website to look clean/modern/easily marketable and very functional. . I