What is an EIN?
The IRS issues an EIN(TIN), which is a 9-digit tax id. The IRS uses the EIN to identify taxpayers who file various business tax filings.
LLCs, sole proprietorships, corporations, partnerships, and other business entities use EINs. For example, you can use your EIN to open a business bank account, file taxes, get a company loan, and get a business credit card.
What is this service?
This gig will get you your EIN tax id doesn't matter you have an SSN, ITIN, or not. You are a US citizen or not. You have US LLC or a foreign LLC.
Our method
According to IRS terms and conditions, I will complete the document to get an EIN for you.
Expected output
- EIN number.
- A confirmation letter CP-575 to your mailing address.
- A confirmation letter CP-575 (soft form). if you choose it
My work is entirely valid. I don't sell your EIN, I apply for it in your name, and only you may use it.
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