Alain is an experienced software engineer passionate about building applications be it embedded, desktop or web. He started his career as an electronics technician and quickly moved to supporting R&D doing schematic capture and PCB design. Alain went back to college a second time to earn a BSc in Comp. Science. The languages and technology does not matter. It is the solution and the challenge of getting there that matters for Alain has learned the most important thing of all: How to learn. How to skimp through the noise and home in on the kill. Alain learns keeps current and applies every day. Since 2011 Alain has been focusing on GIS application development on the desktop and on the web. If it is interesting and challenging and you tell me it cannot be done that's precisely what I will do: Do it! A bunch of numbers on the screen - boring Here is what THEY say about me: "Astute programmer" Dave Maire CEO Cirrus Tech Inc. "Applies sound engineering principles" Andrew Tosh, Tech Lead. EA ON team, EA Sports. "Intelligent and very creative" Robert Neville, CEO, Savara Pharmaceuticals. "The best programmer at OCU to ever", Ray Stolinas, GIS Coordinator, Orange County Utilities.