Howdy. I’m gonna get straight to the point.I've been building sites and marketing online for over 10 years, doing things like designing mind blowing direct response websites, coding, driving traffic and conversion optimization.For the past 5 years I've made a great living as an affiliate marketer, generating over $400,000 on my own properties last year alone.I'm one of the top 2% who actually gets online marketing and have been successful at it.So why am I here? Simple. Affiliate marketing requires very little of my time unless I'm cranking out new campaigns and this tends to burn me out.In order to feed my true passion for online marketing and forge new partnerships, I’ve been privately helping businesses make more money online by doing things like:Creating sites that are actually designed to get customers, optimizing sales funnels, creating powerful email marketing campaigns and running online advertising and traffic campaigns that bring customers in hordes! I can wo