--Excellent knowledge of Borland C/C++, Assembly,
MATLAB, VC++ .Net 2005 and Visual Basic 6,
--Programming and development experience in Verilog / VHDL.
--Hardware implementation and interfacing of 8080 processor.
--Programming experience in MATLAB.
--Has ability to work in any kind of environment, which includes Windows NT/98, 2000, widow XP and Linux etc.
--Working Experience of Network and System Programming and Wireless Networks.
--Audio Signal Processing Using MATLAB.
--Strong knowledge about MATLAB Toolboxes
--Signal Processing Toolbox,
--Image Processing Toolbox,
--Optimization Toolbox,
--Filter Design Toolbox,
--Communications Toolbox and
--Control System Toolbox etc
--Strong knowledge of 8051/8052 micro-controllers and their programming in Keil Using C and Assembly languages.
--MYSQL and MSSQL Server Specializing in NGN, IMS, Network Protocols, and Application Development.