Developed low-level TFT display driver firmware for the Microchip PIC24 and PIC32 microcontrollers.Developed firmware for interfacing with the Ilitek ILI9163, ILI9340, ILI9341, Solomon Systech SSD1963 and SSD1961, RAiO RA8872, Novatek NT39016D, and Himax HX8257-A graphics controllers/drivers.Debugged and implemented solutions for existing TI MSP430 firmware.Created demonstration Graphical User Interfaces for demonstration at the Electronica trade show for 1.8", 2.2", 2.4", 2.8", 3.5", 4.3", 5.7" and 7.0" TFT displays using Microchip's PIC24 and PIC32 MCUs.Created a pose-estimation routine to generate a rotation matrix using an SVD analysis of recorded sun position points. These points were obtained using an optimal hill-climb routine using only power feedback to find the center of the sun.Worked with a home-brewed 2.4Ghz wireless mesh networking system implemented on the PIC24 processors using the MRF24J40MA wireless module.Wrote software to interface with SPI-based flash storage.Devel