My core compentency is user interface development on any of the platforms I have worked on Mac, Windows, BREW, X/Motif.My latest projects have been creating client/server interfaces for Verizon feature phones and creating some automated audio testing for a 3G gaming device.Worked on user interface, data management and security features on 7 CDMA cell phones shipped to Verizon while at MotorolaThe network management system I lead for 2 years at SAIC and shipped to Zurich, Switzerland was finally decommissioned after 10 years of operation. My core competency is user interface development on any of the application platforms I have worked on in the past, Mac, Windows, X/Motif, BREW. My secondary competency is embedded development for CDMA cell phones after being part a team that shipped over 7 cell phones to Verizon while at Motorola. Another strong compentency of mine is software process. I've been through 3 SEI level 3 assessments and was pat of the CDMA software p