I am Ashith, CEO at AssociatedIT. I assist Companies and Entrepreneurs find the best domain centric IT resources or vendors at affordable rates. I have handpicked hand partnered with the best IT service providers in Microsoft, Mobile, Opensource, Java, Embedded, Cloud etc. I will analyze your requirement and connect you to the best service providers who will be the best suited to complete your project on time. I will be in loop during the engagement cycle, so as to make sure the development goes as specified in the SOW, without delays and with highest code quality. The core objective of AssociatedIT is to make sure the companies /entrepreneurs do not fall prey to scams. Associated IT will assist in getting your projects delivered from the right resources, on time with highest code quality. If you have a note; or a project, feel free to skype me@ ashith.utile. You can also send me an email on ashith@associatedIT.in Highest Regards, Ashith Kumble CEO AssociatedIT Skype: ashith.utile