I'm a graduate student holding a B.Sc. in Aerospace Engineering from Cairo University with very good with honor in 2012. I have a lot of experience in programming in Matlab and C. For example, in my graduation project I constructed a code for wing shape optimization based on lifting line theory using Matlab built in function fmincon. Also, I achieved a lot of project of size 500-lines in Computational Fluid Dynamics including solving 2D Poisson's equation over sudden contraction channel, Advanced front triangulation( tested for doubly connected domain), 1D Euler flow in a divergent section nozzle, implementation of Riemann Solvers like Roe and solution of Riemann problem. Currently, I'm involved in finishing Scientific thesis of M. Sc. degree in Engineering Mathematics (passing over 40 Graduate level courses in Mathematics and Aerospace Engineering), I solved 2D Isentropic vortex transport flow, that's solving Euler Equation using Higher Order Flux Reconstruction Discontinuous Finite Element method (1000+ lines C++ code). Now, I have a free time. So, I'm searching for relatively short programming tasks to spend this time.