Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solutions enable single centralized framework for integrated and automated business processes with view to consderably enhance operational efficiency, accessibility and information flow across departments. Flexible and automated framework enables organizations to respond and act quickly inaccordance with dynamically shifting market and business environment with efficiency. The ERP comprises of modules like manufecturing, inventory, accouting, distribution, finanace, customer support etc. Each pertaining to specific functional requirement of the business process. We deliver fully automated, flexible and scalable management system for small, medium business to large enterprises like manufecture units, financial institutions, banks, ports, trusts, textile units, egovernence etc. The modular design of our ERP provides fully automated, flexible and an ideal solution to our clients with zero compromise on performance, speed, reliability, integration, user friendliness, flexibility and cost effectiveness which makes it a robust tool that infuse growth and efficiency in an organization. We fecilitate easy to implement, globally accessible and time-tested ERP applications with training and other deliverables that enables it to run in a record time. The ERP and office automation softwares we provide are module based and thereby offer you with a choice to implement selected modules as per your requirements which makes them cost effective and quite affordable too.