Hello, I am working as a frontend developer at a renowned MNC for more than 4 years. And in these years I have worked on large scale on going projects as well as created the projects from scratch. Besides this I have also worked as a .Net developer for 1.5 years. Starting from basic CRUD operation to advance functionality like angular universal, angularCDK and many advance features like drag and drop, camera and videos streaming. Moreover I have also written a lot of automated unit test cases using Jasmine and karma too. At last but not least I have some responsive UI design experience too which can be very useful in this project too. - My relative experience Skills and qualifications are as follows:- web/mobile designing skills such as HTML/HTML5, CSS/CSS3, SASS/SCSS, LESS, Bootstrap 3/4, Material Design. - Experience in the framework such as Angular 2/4/6/7, AngularJs, JQuery, Core PHP, Ionic 1/3, PhoneGap & Cordova, Native Script, RxJs, ExpressJs, NodeJs. - Experience in a database such as MongoDB, MySQL, MSSQL. - Experience with version control such as SVN, GIT, Mercurial. - Experience with project management tools such as Jira, Trello, TFS, VSTS. - Experience in framework pulgin such as Angular Universal, Datatable, Kendo-Toolbar, Angular Material, ngx-bootstarp, ng-prime. Hoping a positive response from your end. Dhiti Painter