I have experience of 6+ yrs in Android app development. I have developed many apps including enterprise, audio to e-commerce. Here is my work profile of the same also My app links are: Some Application links which i delivered as freelancer / Consultant: Skills: 1. RxJava & RxAndroid 2. Worked on MVP & MVVM 3. Knowledge of DataBinding 4. Worked with Fragments, Activities, Services, Broadcast receivers. 5. Handy with Web service Calls (SOAP + REST) 6. GPS 7. Different Hardware Interaction : Wi-FI, Camera, Vibration, Motion Sensors, SIM data reading. 8. OpenGl to render 3D model generated in android app. 9. Worked with Different Broadcast Receiver : App usage, Internet Connection. 10. Maps. 11. For data storage i have worked with : SQLite, Sharedpreferences, SD Card File handling. 12. Handy Experience with Animation such as : swipe, motions, custom anims. 13. Ads in Android app using Admob, StartApp, HeyZap and Vungle. 14. Worked extensively with latest google Material design support lib. 15. Social Networks : Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Dropbox, Instagram. 16. Worked With Custom music Player. 17. Worked with Asynctask, Handlers, Java Threads in Android. 18. Experience on Custom & Reusable UI. 19. Responsive Layout skill. 20. Google Analytics, InApp Purchases.