Are you looking for an Expert virtual assistant to manage your seller central or planning to start a new amazon fba Business than I must tell you that you are in safe hands.
I have worked as fba expert for the last 4 years and have helped many individuals and companies grow their private label business to the next level. I thoroughly know seller central and how Amz A9 Algorithm works.
Services I offer as a Virtual Assistant:
- Product research & Evaluation
- Sourcing and Logistics
- Keyword Research
- Product Listing & Optimization
- Brand Registry
- PPC Management
- Extensive PPC Keyword Research
- Effective videos for PPC
- Negative reviews Removal
- A to Z handling of your amazon store
Reasons to Hire me:
⭐4+ years of experience as a Virtual Assistant
⭐Fluent in English and Understanding the requirements
⭐Honest, Transparent, and Responsible
Helium10, Jungle Scout, Merchant word, Keepa
I'm happy you're here and will be more pleased to work for you. Let's start the discussion.