I am an expert amazon virtual assistant, here to completely manage your seller account, and to help you in any specific task related to your AMZ business, whether it is WHOLESALE or PRIVATE LABEL.
I provide quality work and the best solutions for your AMZ business. my services included but not limited to the following:
Product Research (private label/wholesale)
Product Sourcing
Product Listing
Listing Creation and Optimization
Product Launch and Ranking
Offers/Promotions and Giveaways
Stranded and Suppressed Listing Fixation
Order Management
Customer Support / Requesting for Feedback /Removal of Negative Feedback
Inventory Management
Business Reports
Complete Store Management
Manage account for all international AMZ marketplaces
you can appoint me to perform any or for all the above-listed works.
I use premium Tools :
Viral Launch
jungle Scout
Helium 10
Merchant Words
please feel free to reach out and let me know if there is anything I can do for your seller central account and business.
Amazon FBA Private Label || Wholesale || Product research || Launch and Ranking || PPC campaigns || Listing Creation optimization