Looking for a Mobile App Developer? You're at the right place.
I am a well-experienced software engineer with a focus on mobile application development with over 5+ years of hands-on experience and developing Flutter apps for over four years now and executed a number of projects in the recent past.
I'm working with the below tools and techniques:
For Flutter:
● Programming Languages: Dart, Kotlin, Java,...
● Management approach: GetX, BLoC / Rx, Provider, MVC, MVP, MVVM, Material design, SOLID principles, Clean architecture principles,...
● Database: Hive, Moor, SQflite, Firebase - NoSQL, Preferences, Secured Storage...
● APIs: Google Maps API, YouTube API, Google Translate API,...
● Backend services: Restful API, Firebase Firestore, Firebase Authentication, Google Crashlytics,...
● Tools: Android Studio, VS Code, Git, Bitbucket.
Native Android:
● Languages: Java, Kotlin, Dart, C, C++. - Familiar with: Python, C#.
● Database: Firebase, MySQL, SQLite.
● RestApi: Okhttp, Okio, Retrofit, Volley
● Data Interchange technology: JSON, Gson, Jsoup.
● Work with: Android Studio, Eclipse, NetBeans, Turbo C++, Dev C++.
● Platforms: Windows, Mac, Ubuntu.
● Familiar with: Adobe XD, Illustrator, Photoshop, Corel Draw, Premiere Pro, After Effect, MS Office.
It is important for me to build long-term relationships with clients, so I am primarily looking for long-term projects. I am ready to discuss requirements and communicate with your team via video chat. Additionally, I would like to help you to create technical and business requirements for the Flutter Android & iOS application.