I have been developing iOS applications from last 4+ years. Not only developing the apps but also works with clients to convert their ideas into a robust and high quality functional applications. Having robust technical knowledge and a professional experience in iOS Application Development. Also having experience in wide variety of business applications with quality of code, User-Interface Development, Web Service Integration and 3rd Party SDK Integration. Expertise: ? Objective-C, Swift ? Java, PHP ? Back-end development: RESTful web services, Firebase, AWS ? Creating UI with Storyboards, XIB or code-made UI ? Implement a chat module for your app or create a chat app ? Integrate third-party SDKs ? Implement push notifications ? Implement a map, GPS, and location views ? Implement authorization, login, registration modules ? Implement 3D Touch shortcuts ? Implement a background fetch functionality ? Integrate Firebase based chat module ? Implement a calendar view ? Database: MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB ? EAV model: Core Data ? Social network integration: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Google+, etc ? Chatting protocol: XMPP, Soket.io ? Version control: Git, Subversion ? Analytics services: Flurry, Google Analytics, Mixpanel ? Distributing and crash reporting services: TestFlight, HockeyApp, Crashlytics, Diawi ? BLE