Proactive, Independent, Problem solver and critical thinker- professional transcriber and translator with over three years of experience. I offer accurate transcription and translation services with the best turn around time (TAT's).
Furthermore, I am proficient in French (frFR frBE , frCH and frCA ) and in English (UK and USA ). My proficiency in English and French has helped me deliver top-rated services to all of my clients.
My experience as a transcriber has taught me to work under pressure with fixed schedules. Overtime, I have learned and mastered:- research and development skills, proofreading and editing skills, thus able to deliver transcripts of uncompromising quality.
My communication with the clients is a good one. I provide adequate information on how the project will be completed, and answer any questions immediately they pop up.
Hire me now, I do the transcription magic ✨✨!!