This service, also known as animated marketing video (or referred to by some as "infomercial") has the usual end goal of increasing conversions for a business. In simpler terms, it means we are aiming to encourage a company's target audience to do what the company wants it to (e.g. sign up, subscribe, buy) with the help of this video. Our first important role is to develop a powerful script to captivate the audience a few seconds into the vid. This is a very crucial phase because the success of every animated video relies heavily on how the story is told, and whether you are able to retain your audience within the first 8 seconds. We then build characters and animation to go alongside this story, evoking emotions we are expected to arouse, like sentimentality or humor, you name it. AREAS COVERED To make sure we are meeting your objectives in the planning phase, we will request you to fill out our brief questionnaire (asking about your company and your promotion) because our story will be developed from your input. SPECIFICS: The videos we make include any or a combination of 3D, compositing, motion graphics and 2D (cartoons). Video length ranges from 30 seconds to a few minutes (TIP: the shorter it is, the more viewers will remember the message).