My Name is Reodel basalan and I am a certified FB ads Campaign expert having more than 2 years of experience in FB advertising field. I can run following types of Fb ads campaigns.
I will provide you:
* Facebook ads campaign *Targeted research audience *Pixel Installation and tracking *Conversion API Set up *Setting up the right campaign based on your business *Re-targeting and Re-marketing *Custom and Lookalike audience *Ad copy(Image/video+text +Descriptions) *Retargeting ads campaign *Sales Funnel Creation *Website traffic/click & High conversion ads *Fa-cebook shop *Management & Optimization *Defining your goal & strategic plan *Set up facebook pixel & event *Create custom audience *Lookalike audience *Research target audience *Setup Brand awareness, lead generation or conversion ads *Setup dynamic ad campaign 8Setup remarketing ads *A/B test interest and ad creative
Why will you select me: 100% Satisfaction Guarantee Better management system Fix problem On-Time Delivery Unlimited Revision
Tags: Facebook ads campaign, Facebook ads manage, Facebook marketing, FB advertising, Shopify FB Ads, Instagram ads campaign.
Thank You.