About this gig
Thanks for viewing my Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads campaign setup, Pixel setup, and Retargeting/Remarketing.
My name is Mohsin Khan, and I am a trained social media manager and marketer with 3 years of expertise, as evidenced by my profile. You can achieve the exact focused audience set that you require by retargeting and conducting research on the population, interest behavior, and A/B split testing. In this assignment
I will offer you a wide range of services, including:
- Install Pixel
- Install the pixel code plugin
- Facebook Ads setup
- Facebook retargeting campaign setup
- Create/setup new ads campaign
- Optimize old campaign
- Create custom audience
- Create lookalike audience
- A/B testing
- Setup conversion tracking
Trusted Seller - Satisfaction Guaranteed!
100% Satisfaction
Fast delivery
Available 24/7
Feel free to consult about digital marketing, social media marketing, FB ads campaign setup, retargeting/Remarketing, and advertising.
You will pay for results, not for the efforts.