Bassett Furniture (Design Consultant) 5/2013-current• Listen to customers ideas and take their vision andsuccessfully deliver an interior design plan that meetstheir vision• Create functional space planning for residential homesusing SketchUp and EasyPlan (companies software)• Assist customers with selection of fabrics and paintfinishes• Create vision boards and power point presentations forclientsBHDP Architecture (Contractor), 12/2012-04/2013•Created functional drawings and design specs forNational Retailer JC Penny home department andClaire’s Boutique (Domestic and International)•Participated in the Macy’s brainstorming new designhome department development.•Contributed to office activities, initiatives, and learningprograms. Developed space planning concepts and generatedprogram documents.•Assisted with development of marketing imagepresentations. Collaborated on commercial interiorsprojects, including programming client n