FATIHUL ULUM is a Islamic boarding school which located in Manggisan ,Tanggul ,jember , jawa timur. Fatihul ulum was established by (alm) K.H Abdul Hannan about in 1940, when it was still jungle and many wild animal, bless help allah and strive of K.H Abdul Hannan,Fatihul ulum become famous islamic boarding school in village even in jember with use curriculum like sidogiri boarding school and now Fatihul ulum is leaded by KH Mahfudz Abdul Hannan ( son of K.H Abdul Hannan) . to increase knowledge in order to student not in behind time (or jadul), at the time one of area Fatihul ulum add one science curriculum (like math , English , computer , etc), in area c or is called (FUDC), and now Fatihul ulum (area c) have had junior high school , senior high school, lab computer , library and Fatihul ulum was divided 3 area : 1. FUDA (area A) unformal 2. FUDB (area B ) unformal 3. FUDC (area C) formal and unformal actually it is little history about Fatihul ulum, and if you want to know more about Fatihul ulum you can visit this website http://manggisan.com/ or http://www.manggisan.net/