Looking for amazon fba product reserch:
You are at right place,i will find you a winning product for your amazon private lable.
Which kind of products i find:
I will do your amazon fba product reserch. I'll find you a winning product in any categories specially in top selling, which are with high demand and low competition, and with less reviews, 4 or above review ratings and with beatable competition.
You know that about 90% people Fail in this business just because of wrong product,then why not outsource your product with someone who is experienced and has following these premium tools:
- Jungle Scout.
- Helium 10.
- Merchant Word.
- Viral Launch.
What you get with each order:
- Products with monthly revenue $8000-$30000+
- Products with less than 100 reviews.
- Niches (Low Competition) and (With High Demand)
- Keyword at least 2k searches monthly.
- Average selling price between $14-$50.
- No patent or trademark problems and on seasonality.
- Products where you can improve (ratings at 4.5).
We have strict policy of one product for one client,so we delete data after client aproval.
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