If you are in search of person for File Conversion(PDF,Images,Word,TXT,Videos,etc.) and Data Entry and Typing at professional level and on economical cost, then believe me , your search ends here. I am proficient in working with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Office, Adobe PDF and Image and video file conversion. I am also very good at Typing and Data Entry. My current typing speed is 52 wpm(Words per Minute). I have learnt creating and editing PDF with Adobe, PDF conversion skills, Image and Video conversion Softwares and Skills at professional level. I am having a lot of practise over months and years on MS-office(Word and Excel), Adobe Pdf and different File Conversion Softwares. I value my clients the most.I am resilient and fragile to work. One interesting thing is " My Work is My Hobby" i.e. hobby to do the work assigned with pefectness within the time bound. You will certainly get error free documents, timely delivery,unlimited revisions,24*7 availiability and support and all this on very economical costs.