To whom it may concern, My name is Fernando Lema and I am currently working as Senior Account Officer for the Corporate and Investment Banking sector, in the second largest private bank of Argentina in terms of Assets and Liabilities. . As you might know, in the entire Latam region and especially in Argentina, after the restructure of its external debt and the change of government, there is a huge opportunity in terms of Capital Markets Businesses such as ECM, DCM, IPOs, etc. For this reason, I would like to analyze the possibility to work for you as a freelance analyst, collating information from a number of resources and presenting them in an easy to understand format, providing information and knowledge about different opportunities that will take place in the country in terms of Industries with growth potential, key commodities to be developed locally in the short term, potential fusions or take overs that could appear which will require a lot of information and coverage available for the decision makers, There is also another opportunity in terms of costs. After the devaluation of the local currency Argentina has become a more attractive country in order to hire people as freelance contributors which require a low salary or fees for its work. A clear example of this situation is the number of corporate companies that are installing its services centers in the country. It is my goal to invest part of my free time in performing research tasks for companies, as free-lancers together with my partner, a Senior Chief Research Analyst who also works in the more important private bank in the country. Sincerely yours,