Vernaldi Metayer(781) 308-7017School Address: 140E Brittany Manor Drive Amherst, MA 01002Email: vmetayer@student.umass.eduSummary: I am an innovative individual who seeks to work in a productive learning environment.Education:University of Massachusetts AmherstBachelors of Arts in Computer ScienceCandidate: May 2012Concentration in CommunicationsRelevant Courses: Fundamentals of Graphic Communication, Usability, Data Structures, Introduction toWork Experience:Parking ServicesAmherst, MAIT AssistantNovember 2010-Present• Work with another assistant to better the software on a handheld device.• Developed an Android Application that works with the company’s database.• Replaced $5000 device with a $500 Android device.• Introduced the new device to fellow employees.Safely park and locate vehicles.Provide customer service to ensure a great parking experience.Computer Skills:PHP, MySQL, Flash, Competent in Java and C++, Web Applications, Mac OSX, iOS, Windows,UNI