Mobile Application Development in Flutter is a great deal for Both Android and IOS and time saving as compared to natively working on two different platforms.
I will develop and design your IOS and Android app using the Flutter framework.
if interested, please send me a message first and submit your requirement, I shall create a draft first and then you can order my GIG
Functionalities are offered.
- Splash Screen
- Chat
- Social Media App
- Google Maps Integration (Live location and tracking)
- Web API integration
- Firebase integration
- GraphQL integration
- Social Authentication (Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, etc)
- Phone authentication
- Push Notification (Could Messaging)
- Deep-link(Firebase Dynamic Links)
- App Analytics (Google Firebase)
- NoSQL databases (Firestore, real-time database, app write)
- Cloud functions
- SQLite database (Offline Database)
Why Me?
- Performance is my priority
- Clean and documented code