An FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) consists of a silicon chip that integrates memory, logic gates, and other processing elements. They are extremely popular for their speed, flexibility, and space savings in applications such as video processing, network interfaces, and digital communications. FPGAs process data in parallel at hardware speeds, compared to a microprocessor that processes data serially using software. This gives FPGAs the ability to do things that a microprocessor cannot do, such as Software Defined Radio and other very high-speed operations.
FPGAs have revolutionised digital circuit design and embedded systems circuit design with programmable architecture, high density, and high speed. What used to take an entire circuit board can be put on a single chip, even in low volume production. IP (Intellectual Property) is available for a wide variety of functions that can be put on the FPGAs, including microprocessors, filters, phase-locked loops, and hundreds of other functions, saving a lot of time in development. We have the knowledge and experience to use these capabilities and provide our customers with production-quality register transfer level (RTL) code up to turnkey solutions and bitstreams.
Range of Implementations
- Cryptography
- Video imaging
- Military technologies, including missile guidance systems
- Automotive computing
- Aerospace applications
- Search engine algorithms
- Networking and Data-Center management
- Signal processing
- Medical devices
- High-speed memory interfaces
- Digital communications systems